Sunday, September 12, 2010

What did you learn last year?

Life is always evolving and growing & I like to think I have my part in that. After some careful thought and consideration, I've come to a list of things I've learned over the last year.

I've learned that love and hate are the two most contagious diseases, and can have the most disgusting side affects.
I've learned that I can't hold my liquor like I used to. Nor do I care to try to.
I've learned that love and hate are the two most misunderstood and overused words.
I've learned that those who claim to be independent the most, are usually the most dependent. Their only independence is from reality; therefore, they never see how dependent they truly are.
I've learned that doing the right thing morally in a situation often leaves you open to other peoples narrative of that situation. Which can leave you unbelievably vulnerable.
I've learned that I am more attractive than what I give myself credit for.
I've learned that I need to bite my tongue more than I used to.
I've learned that children are the best at judging peoples goodness. They can't help but do it. They haven't put that wall of confusion up yet.
I've learned that no matter how many times you have heard a song, that you never really listened until it hits you in that certain mood.
I've learned that love isn't that cliche line of 'something that comes back to you when you let it go if it's meant to be', but that love is something that would break you if you had to let go.
I've learned that anger is an exercise in futility.
I've learned that people who give dirty looks have dirty souls.
I've learned that as eclectic as my taste in music is, there is still so much more out there that I know I will love.
I've learned that, if in tune, you're intuition is somewhere around 95% correct. And the other 5% are just bad guesses usually formed while either in a tired, drunken, or paranoid state of mind.
I've learned that your kids are going to grow up to be just like you, so stop being a prick.
I've learned that the only competition that matters is with yourself and old ways of thinking/living/acting. Jealousy is not the platform in which to form goals upon.
I've learned that I had no idea how prevalent police abuse is.
I've learned that the morals of some people are incredibly low. So low, that it scares me to know that people like that aren't the bad guys in movies, but are your grandma's nurse, your kid's teacher, your favorite cable news host, or the police that are supposed to protect you.
I've learned that dancing can be amazingly therapeutic.
I've learned that the more mercy you beg for, the less you get. In fact, those who hold the mercy you crave are in that position for a reason, and it's usually low or zero morals that give them this power. That they even clutch to the mercy you and they both know is right is so incredibly disgusting, it scares me.
I've learned that being honest with a significant other, or even someone you just dated a couple times goes a lot further than making up fights to move on quicker.
I've learned that the quietest people are usually the ones who have the most moral baggage.
I've learned that it's incredibly unfair to use 'life isn't fair' as justification for being a dick to someone. After all, the ONLY reason that 'life isn't fair' is because of dicks like that.
I've learned that forgiveness is DIVINE, and blame is DEVILISH.
I've learned that selfishness can run really, really, really, incredibly, amazingly , and unjustifiably deep.
I've learned that hell truly hath no fury like a woman scorned.
I've learned that when someone really wants just 1 person to know their qualities, that they usually possess them, and would go to any means to get it across. And those who trumpet it to everyone usually don't.
I've learned that liars cheat, and cheaters lie. And neither have a spot on my list of friends.
I've learned that the way people choose to act towards you is their problem, not yours. It's their morals that cause their useless and mindless disdain, not yours.
I've learned that God speaks to us as individuals, not as a mass.
I've leaned that those who claim to hate drama the most, usually are mired in it most often, and usually seek no way out.
And finally, I've learned that your friends show their truest colors in your times of despair, not theirs. After all, despair is the bottom. And what you do while you are down there doesn't count against you. And what you have to do to climb up is what you have to do. It's what those who are at the top put themselves through to get a rope or ladder down to you that is the real litmus test.

What have you all learned this past year?

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