Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What's in a name?

The news that we are in fact having a lil dude has hit home & I couldn't be happier that I don't have to worry about having two princesses fighting over the crown. I'm actually more excited than I could ever have imagined, but there is one snag...

I have no feelings on what his name will be.

There are tons that I like and a few that I absolutely adore but it is so different than naming a girl. With a girl, you can get super creative and downright girly if you wanted. This is so not the case for a boy. You want him to have a strong name but the shortened version can't be construed as girly or even weak. His initials can't spell out something obscene or maybe I am just too overtly picky.

I have overruled two of my husbands suggestions. Jr and Lucien. One, while having a Jr is great for whoever else, I want my child to have his own name. He is male after all and will be carrying on our last name anyway, why make it difficult? Two, Lucien, while the name is neat and the name of one of the Likens in Underworld, it just doesn't mesh with my name. I'm Karie White born on Halloween. This alone makes me a bar joke. But, hey, let's add a son Lucien to that and uh yeah, NO.

So, what's in a name?

We're also military and there are about 8 of us pregnant at the same time here. Most of us having boys. I know we won't be around these people forever but to name our son something that another couple is seems generic and lame to me. No matter how much I love the name. We had some good friends actually take our boy name when we found out we were having a girl & it really just pissed me off. It shouldn't but it does. A couple of the women here aren't telling the names and that is fine but they are due before me so what if they have picked the name I have and then I'll feel obligated to changing it. Yes, indeed, very silly. That's me though.

So, hoping we find a name soon & that no one else is choosing it...

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